Saturday 10 May 2014

Vision - Faith vs Fear

Fear and faith. - Two forces which have fought over the hearts of men since the beginning of time. Let’s have a look what we can learn about them! Through looking into scripture and based on our own experiences we discovered some interesting contrasts. As you read these discoveries, let them help you to define what voice you predominantly listen to… the voice of fear or the voice of faith…
Fear says: I have needs. Faith says: God will provide.
Fear asks: What if it goes wrong? Faith says: God is in control.
Fear restricts. Faith encourages.
Fear traps. Faith releases.
Fear buries. Faith elevates.
Fear says: I can’t! Faith says: God can!
Fear says: Compromise. Faith says: Persist.

Unbelief and Disobedience
Fear is often a default response to life’s situations. It’s okay to be uncertain or puzzled about something. What matters is how much room you give to your fears. Sometimes fear takes over and becomes a lifestyle. All situations get viewed through a negative lens. Misplaced fear is much like a poison because it spreads and penetrates. It can start off small but soon grows and impacts every aspect of life. Two attributes born out of a lifestyle of fear are unbelief and disobedience. Fear that God cannot do something will lead to belief that God won’t and if God won’t then I don’t. Jesus couldn’t work in an area of unbelief. Some Israelites were in the wilderness and did not enter the Promised Land simply because they didn’t believe.

The Secret
So, we’ve established we don’t want to end up like the Israelites. What can we do with all the fears that we have in our own lives? As Christians we claim that God is in control but at the same time we find ourselves burdened with overwhelming fears. How can God possibly intervene when all we know is fear? Many of us forget what the secret is… God uses our fears to draw us close to Him! Fear is an open door to prayer! And praying about things you’re afraid of almost always develops purpose in your life. When we pray believing that God will speak to us, we will start to develop positive ways of thinking, ways of speaking, and ways of living. When you know Christ one of the things you will discover is that when you are afraid you don’t have to be. Although fear is opposed to faith, if dealt with in the right way you can, with God’s help, watch it propel your faith further than ever before! Since we know that Jesus experienced fear, we can comprehend that fear is not an invalid response to a situation. We can also be encouraged in the knowledge that Jesus had to find the right way of dealing with fear. He prayed.

Positive Speaking
President Ronald Regan said, “We are never defeated unless we give up on God.”  God is our source of strength and often fear can derive from the place of what I am able to cope with. What I am able to handle. God has a wonderful way of making His power and His ability accessible to His children. Yes, He stands above us in His glory, but He doesn’t choose just to be up there in heaven, disconnected from this sinful world. His strength is available to us right here, right now! What seems impossible to man is possible with God. All things are possible with God. God is able. Something that will help to overcome real fear barriers in your life is to remind yourself to elevate your God above your problem. Your fear will continue until you put these words into practise. Speak them over yourself and believe that God is bigger than your problem, because He is!

A Crazy world   
In Owl City’s song Alligator Sky, he says “we’re living in a crazy world where you’ll never guess what could happen next”.  Faith is the ideal practise for these kinds of experiences. For example, sometimes it’s easy to talk to people but other times, if you’re having an off day, you might have to take a leap of faith to talk to someone, and if that’s impossible to do then God is there to talk to. You can be honest with Him! When you do this those worries will turn into ideas and constructive thoughts and feelings that will soar through your mind and equip you for communication. That’s exactly why scripture says, “Don’t worry about anything. Instead pray about everything!” – Philippians 4 v 6. God knows that when we play our insecurities in His hands and open our hearts to Him that we will be filled with healthier emotions. Martin Luther King Jr once declared, “Faith is taking the first step, even when you don’t have the whole staircase.” Let faith be your springboard into a place where in every situation, wherever you are and whatever you are doing, something good is happening in your life. Turn the worrier within into a WARRIOR.

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