Monday 16 July 2012

What Can I Get?

FACEBOOK ASKED ME: What's going on in my mind? I'll give you a little insight. I'm just going to touch briefly on the matter of Greed. 
Feel free to leave questions and comments... 

Often times people's activities are consumed by writing something, making something, saying something, doing something that they want to have an affect on people to the extent of which it provokes a response from many. - For many this is because a sense of proving one's self becomes the necessity (certainly in my life that's been the reality!)- the desire to shake things up- to make a mark on the map, takes over. Unfortunately the thirst to GET the response you want, GET the attention you need, in its essence to 'GET the GLORY' will never be quenched. The more we see the more greedy we become. It's what we decide to do with this greed that really matters. Do we decide to carry on and grow more and more lustful over things of the world (reputation, power, money, popularity) or do we recognise the prompting from inside that something big needs to take place. A transition (or change) has to be made. 

Now, let's look at David, once a shepherd boy who became a man of God and a successful warrior - he was a beast! We learn that His enemies sunk to the very bottom and had to become scavengers. No, they didn't grow black feathers and recede extensively in the scalp region. (Well, most of them didn't.) Let's read into it...

In chapter 59 of the book of Psalms, it speaks of the greed that we've been touching on. We read David's own words, from verse 14: 'My enemies come out at night, snarling like vicious dogs as they prowl the streets. They scavenge for food but go to sleep unsatisfied'. We never really specifically discover how these people got to this stage, but I can hint a guess as to why these people sunk so low. I believe that the thirst of these enemies of David, and the hunger that these people had to GET attention, to GET respect, to GET glory, ultimately led them to  their predicament - the crumbling of their well being.  

There's a reason for the vast comparison between the goodness and success of David and the wickedness and failure of his enemies. It's not because of who they were as individual persons, but because of the two very different lifestyles which the two parties decided to lead. King David, as he was popularly known as, discovered early on in life (due to his willingness to WANT to do what was RIGHT) that 'some people are always greedy for more, but the godly love to give!' (Proverbs 21 v 26.)  You can GET GET GET GET GET GET GET. It will never satisfy. Remember: 'They scavenge for food but go to sleep UNSATISIFIED.' I've started to realise that actually the more that I get, the less I want to get. I've lived long enough and seen ENOUGH to know that I have had so much stuff and stuff makes your mind numb... it makes your heart grey, it makes your decisions cloudy and uncertain. The less I have, the better. I want to give... and I invite you to take on this giving lifestyle. The moment I truly started to realise all that I'm sharing with you was the moment that I asked Jesus to change who I am... and He can do the same for you. Instead of living to please others, the goodness of life and all that you have and can give will not just replace that hunger but exceed it as well. 

See you soon! For all those who are looking, keep searching. God Bless X

[B.T: New Living Translation.]

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