Friday 27 July 2012

The Best Intimacy Is Private. The Best Intimacy Is God.

I have an awesome relationship with God. I talk to Him about everything - my emotional needs, my physical needs, my relational needs and my spiritual needs. I thank Him for the things He has done in my life. I praise Him for all that He is and all that He has created. Yet sometimes, and for no reason known to man, my mind goes blank... In fact, if I were to be more specific, it does something quite the contrary - it becomes frantic. 

When your mind becomes active / busy / frantic it can be hard to pin down thoughts, ideas, prayers and to be able to carry out what you originally intended to do. Strangely enough, it can be in this frantic state that a relationship with God can become so much more REAL. 

I believe that one of the possible reasons for why I go through busy-minded phases is because I couldn't imagine for one minute my prayer life - my relationship with God - being one of ritual and routine. I never want anything of my walk with Christ to become out of an attitude that says: 'Well, I'd better pray a prayer'. That's part of it... but with respect to everyone else who knows God, I doubt that they would have an alternate desire in their prayer life than to have a very real and intimate relationship with God. So maybe it's not SO much about me and my desire to be right with God that stirs up that frantic mind... Maybe there's something more to it.

In Matthew 16 v 13 - 17, when Jesus lived upon the earth, we discover a little about Peter's sincere faith - his commitment to be driven by Kingdom-mindedness and its results.   Let's have a look: 'When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, "Who do you say that the Son of Man is?" 
"Well," they replied, " some say John the baptist, some say Elijah, and others say Jeremiah or one of the other prophets."
Then he asked them, "But who do you say I am?"
Simon Peter answered, "You are the Messiah, the Son of the Living God."
Jesus replied, "You are blessed, Simon son of John, because my Father in heaven has revealed this to you. You did not learn this from any human being."

There is so much that the Bible doesn't say, but that we can look into and suspect took place... The Bible talks very little about Simon Peter's personal life - what he did when he wasn't among others, but I am convinced that he spent a lot of time seeking out the Kingdom of God and all that was good and right. The sentence 'You did not learn this from any human being' leads me to believe that he went through a process of learning. He sought God for it - with the right intentions - to please God. And as we read further on, we learn that Peter did have RIGHT intentions. Jesus says in Matthew 16 v 18: "...Now I say to you that you are Peter (which means 'rock') and upon this rock I will build my church, and all the powers of hell will not conquer it..."  Wow. Jesus trusted Peter... BIG STYLE. Whenever a successful relationship between a Christian and God take place, it's always two-way. Two-way in the sense that the life calling of a Christian is fulfilled by means of two steps. 
1. Man embraces God - relationship, vision, and purpose and never lets them go. 
2. God designs and enables man's relationship with God, vision, and purpose to take place.

It's so important that we have occasional personal experiences that are incomparable to those of others (but the more the better!). My reason for this is that without these times we have no need to rely on God, for we could just rely on the wisdom and understanding of people around us to get us through. Have you ever had a time of prayer with someone - you've been alone with that person - it's personal and lovely... a deep friendship... intimate. I've been there. there was one instance where I experienced this with a good friend. Years later I found myself wounded... hurt... broken... by something which this same person said to me. We're both in a good place with one another now, but people are so unpredictable... with all the feelings we have, our intimacies can make or break us.

The best place you can go where you know that you can pour out your heart and not get destroyed for it is Jesus Christ. If you want the best counsel, yeah, go to counsellors, doctors, and trust them! I have complete confidence in many of these people and believe that they do an awesome job, but remember that with every human being there's sin, memories, faults, insecurities and you shouldn't allow these things to withdraw you from others, but change your perspective on where your FULL confidence lies. James 3 v 6 - 10 is the most amazing example of these words that I know of and it talks about the unpredictable nature of man. '...the tongue is a flame of fire. It is a whole world of wickedness, corrupting your entire body. It can set your whole life on fire, for it is set on fire by hell itself. People can tame all kinds of animals, birds, reptiles, and fish, but no one can tame the tongue. It is restless and evil, full of deadly poison. Sometimes it praises our Lord and Father, and sometimes it curses those who have been made in the image of God. And so blessings and cursing come pouring out of the same mouth.' 

So now that we know why we place part of our trust in man, but why should we place our full trust in God? Psalm 116 v 5: 'How kind the LORD is! How good he is!' God is good. But just because The Best Intimacy Is Private ... The Best Intimacy Is God. Let me tie up a loose end... I talked earlier about placing part of our trust in man and our full trust in God. Now... that doesn't mean that we treat people as if they're a dog that needs to be kept on a leash. Just check this out. Galatians 6 v 10: 'Therefore, whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone - especially those in the family of faith.' If we can do good to people, with a real intention to do good, then our relationship with mankind will become much more beautiful... the greatest beauty though, will always be our friendship with God. Done.

One last thought. You know, the more I had those 'frantic episodes' which I spoke of further up the page - the ones that made it hard for me to pray and and think and carry out intentions... Well the more I had those, the more I started to realise that our relationship with God is so much more than words. Every intention, motive, dream, song, and even silence is part of the relationship. Peter wasn't constantly saying 'I need a revelation, I need a revelation, I need a revelation!!' His walk with Jesus consisted of speaking, singing, dreaming, thinking, listening, watching, waiting... and eventually... hearing. Discover today a multitude of dimensions in communicating with Jesus.

See you soon! For all those who are looking, keep searching. God Bless X

[B.T: New Living Translation.]

Wednesday 25 July 2012

Could A Pirate Become A Saint?

When my brother and I were younger we'd have friends around and play around with the idea that we were pirates - We'd make our own coffee stained Treasure Maps, speak in a 'ahoy there, landlubber' fashion and we even had our own toy swords! We'd use Isaac's cabin bed as a pirate ship and plan our missions from there.

We've all heard stories of infamous pirates from centuries ago who roamed the seas, torturing, stealing from and terrorising sailors - pirates like Captain Blackbeard (also known as 'Edward Teech'). And I'm actually a real fan of these characters... well... the ones you see in films, anyway! You might have discovered from reading all this that I actually love the legends and tales of pirate stories - the adventure behind it all. I love how as you watch the crew and the function of the pirates there are ranks and rules. I love that if you 
manage to survive (and avoid 'the plank' for long enough), you can work your way up and, eventually (if you have enough guts) bump off your old Cap'n and take his place. Yeah, I know, it does sound pretty gory, but I love the fantasy element that has been portrayed about Pirates through more recent years. 

The definition of pirate is clearly portrayed in the Chambers Dictionary, where a pirate is depicted as: 'A person who, without authority, attempts to capture ships at sea... A robber or marauder operating at sea.' There are a few 'pirates' in the Bible... well... their crimes weren't committed at sea, but they had the same nature as many of the pirates who come to our minds. Immediately as you dwell on the term 'pirate', words will come to mind... Aggressive... Bearded... Fearsome... Sword... Greedy... Parrot... Territorial... Bloodthirsty... Cannonballs. The list goes on. Now... if we cancel out words like parrot, you'll soon follow my drift. If you've ever heard of a guy called King Nebuchadnezzar in the Bible (or Nay-boo-ka-nay-zah! as I like to call him) then you'll understand why I'm talking about him. He was like the Blackbeard of the day. Let's learn a bit about him. 

To say that King Nebuchadnezzar was not a God-fearing is a bit like saying that Scooby-Doo's not a fan of ghosts... Yeah, he did some pretty ungodly things, which we'll look at in a bit. This Nebuchadnezzar was the King of Babylon in the time when the people of the City of Jerusalem were captured by the Babylonians and exiled to the land of Babylon, under the order of King Nebuchadnezzar. So here's some of the vile things that Naybookanayzah did. Well, for starters he took the people of Jerusalem captive and sent them away to Babylon, his own nation, as slaves. '...Nebuchadnezzar led his entire army against Jerusalem. They surrounded the city and built siege ramps against its walls (Jeremiah 52 v 4)... The number of captives taken to Babylon in the seventh year of Nebuchadnezzar's reign was 3,023. Then in Nebuchadnezzar's eighteenth year, he took 832 more. In Nebuchadnezzar's twenty-third year he sent Nebuzaradan, the captain of the guard, who took 745 more- a total of 4,600 captives in all (Jeremiah 52 v 28 - 30).' Secondly, Nebuchadnezzar unfortunately had a tendency to kill those didn't worship the Babylonian gods, and those who he wasn't keen on - and by several different means. "I am afraid of my lord the king, who has ordered that you eat this food and wine. If you became pale and thin compared to the other youths your age, I am afraid the king will have me beheaded." (Daniel 1 v 10)... 'The king... ordered that all the wise men of Babylon be executed.' (Dan 2 v 12.) As well as exiling and killing people, Nebuchadnezzar was a big fan of worshipping idols, so he decided to make 'a gold statue ninety feet tall and ninety feet wide and set it up on the plain of Dura in the province of Babylon.' (Dan 3 v 1.) Despite all this, from the moment Jerusalem, a segment of God's people arrived in Babylon, something started to change in Nebuchadnezzar... It didn't start too well... To begin with he killed more people and made more statues, and demanded more Naybookanayzah worship, but as he decided to deal with the dreams he was having in a rational way instead of chopping people's heads off because of it, the mist began to clear a little for him, and what lay ahead of him with relation to his currently tyrannical rule became known... It was with the help of God-fearing warriors, Daniel (or Belteshazzar), Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego that Nebuchadnezzar's life was radically transformed. Despite all the sorrow and heartache of the people of God losing their land Jerusalem to the Babylonians, Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, because of their strength and good looks, were raised up in the land of Babylon as Nebuchadnezzar's servants. Eventually, Daniel hears from God and gains the 'privilege' of interpreting Naybookadnayzah's un-interpretable dream. (Dan 2 v 24.) Daniel speaks of what will become of the Kingdom of Babylon after Nebuchadnezzar's rule, that one will rise above it, and how God will raise up an unshakeable kingdom. (Dan 2 v 31 - 45.) Nebuchadnezzar falls to the floor in awe of Daniel's words of insight and he raises Daniel up as the ruler over the province of Babylon, and Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego as leaders of the affairs of the province of Babylon. (Dan 2 v 46 - 49.) Unfortunately, a short burst of anger later prompted Nebuchadnezzar to order the burning of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the blazing furnace. His reason? They wouldn't worship his gods. (Dan 3 v 13 - 23.) Astonishingly, the three men survive the furnace as Nebuchadnezzar discovers a fourth mysterious form walking around in the fiery furnace!! And Nebuchadnezzar bellows: "Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, servants of the Most High God, come out! Come here!" (Dan 3 v 46.) And from that point on Nebuchadnezzar's bewilderment at the power of God would lead him to make some very different moves and he demands that if 'any people... speak a word against the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, they will be torn limb from limb' (Dan 3 v 29.) Nebuchadnezzar's still not quite got the idea yet! But soon enough, he has another puzzling dream, which only (guess who) Daniel (you guessed it) can interpret. Daniel interprets the confusing dream, and with fright says to Nebuchadnezzar: "You will be driven from human society... you will receive your Kingdom back when you have learned that heaven rules." (Dan 4 v 19 - 27.) We read on and discover that Nebuchadnezzar did in fact lose everything. 'He ate grass like a cow, and he was drenched with the dew of heaven. He lived this way until his hair was as long as eagle's feathers and his nails were like bird's claws.' (Dan 4 v 33.) As the stories of Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego began in the book of Daniel, so did Nebuchadnezzar's LIFE.

I'll go back to the story of Daniel and Nebuchadnezzar shortly, but first I want to show you what happened way back before all this. What's shocking as you look at the roots of the exile of Jerusalem is that God actually intended Jerusalem to be taken captive by Babylon at the very start! Jeremiah 52 v 3: Just as it's beginning to dawn on all of us now how much control God actually had over these events, and that He actually spoke them into being, in the same way, Nebuchadnezzar, in the midst of the horror and ghastliness of such a horrific turn of events the true greatness of Yahweh (The LORD), pierced his spirit, and Nebuchadnezzar was able (the moment we've all been waiting for) to declare for real, his allegiance to the Most High God. Daniel 4 verse 34 says that after Nebuchadnezzar's sanity returned he looked to heaven and he worshipped the one who lives forever, and he writes this diary of praise... "His rule is everlasting, and his Kingdom is eternal. All the people of the earth are nothing compared to him. He does as he pleases among the angels of heaven and among the people of the earth. No one can stop him or say to him, 'What do you mean by doing these things?' When my sanity returned to me, so did my honour and glory and kingdom. My advisers and nobles sought me out, and I was restored as head of my kingdom, with even greater honour than before. Now I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise and glorify and honour the King of heaven. All his acts are just and true, and he is able to humble the proud."

So if you're a Christian and you know some of these 'Nebuchadnezzars', these 'Blackbeards', these 'pirates'... then know in your heart that there is unbelievable hope for them. Or maybe you see yourself and think 'Man, I'm one of those pirates!', and you want to change, then guys, today is your day :) Nebuchadnezzar saw God and could cry out, 'This is the NEW me.' He could say, 'In the lowest of lows, I found God, and God brought me into His Glorious Light. This is the new me. LORD, You can make all things new.' Right now, I'd ask you to take that step and pray this prayer to Jesus, who has made it possible for us all to claim that new life: 'LORD, You can make all things new... I want to be changed in the way that Nebuchadnezzar was... I want to be an example of justice and truth for the rest of my days, because Your love has captivated me... Help me to live the way You want me to... I thank You for new life... Now You have mine... Forever more, in Jesus' name I pray. Amen.' 

Ahrrrrrrrrr me hearty!!!

[B.T: New Living Translation]

Saturday 21 July 2012

A Dead Religion

In the film Star Wars Episode IV, A New Hope, there are two scenes which bear importance to the story, and it's only after watching all six films that you realise why the scenes are so significant.

The first scene is set in the Death Star, the Galactic Empire's Planet-sized space station. Darth Vader, a dark Lord of the Sith, and right-hand man to the Emperor, enters the mission room with his right hand man, Captain Tarkin, where full blown discussion has kicked off about the importance of the Death Star. The argument of one of Captain Tarkin's Commanding Officer's is that until the battle station is fully operational, they are vulnerable to the rebellion. The second Commanding Officer has full confidence in the Space Station and declares that the Death Star is the ultimate power in the universe. Darth Vader points out that although the Death Star has incredible power, it's ability to destroy a planet is insignificant in comparison to the power of the The Force. The second Commanding Officer replies with, 'Don't try to frighten us with your sorcerer's ways, Lord Vader, your sad devotion to that ancient religion has not helped you conjure up your stolen data tapes, or given you clairvoyance enough to find the rebel's hidden fortress...' To which Darth Vader replies, 'I find your lack of faith disturbing' (whilst displaying an example of the 'power' of the force).

In a later scene, Han Solo, part of the rebel alliance is aboard his starship, along with side kick Chewbacca, robotic droids C-3PO and R2-D2, former Jedi* Master Ben Kenobi (*Jedi are beings who have incredible natural ability in the force and are trained up to use it for good), and Ben Kenobi's pupil, Luke Skywalker. Ben Kenobi and Luke Skywalker are going through training and Ben Kenobi teaches Luke, 'Remember, a jedi can feel the force flowing through him... It obeys your commands.' Luke gets hit by the remote which he's meant to deflect with his lightsaber- the jedi weapon. Han Solo sneers, saying, 'Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid...' 'You don't believe in the force do you?' Luke ponders a guess, to which Han replies, 'Kid, I've flown from one side of this galaxy to the other, I've seen a lot of strange stuff, but I've never seen anything that would make me believe that there's one all-powerful force controlling everything... There's no mystical energy field controlling my destiny.' Ben smiles, knowingly. He continues unphased and says to Luke, 'I suggest you try it again Luke. Let go of your conscious self and act on instinct.' Luke finally succeeds and deflects the shots of the remote, to which Han Solo replies, 'It's just luck.'

It's funny, but when I first discovered the reactions that Han Solo and the second Commanding Officer expressed towards to concept of The Force as I studied these two scenes, it made me want to sympathise with Ben Kenobi and Darth Vader. Phrases like: Sad devotion... ancient religion... luck. Anyone who's been through something that they have had to have faith in KNOW that it was never 'just luck'.

I mentioned earlier that when you watch the other five films you realise why Darth Vader and Ben Kenobi react in the strong ways that they do. It turns out that the time in which Ben and Vader were in their youth, was very big, very significant, very reliant upon The Force. Ben Kenobi was a warrior in the Clone Wars years ago who, among other Jedi, conquered many armies and Sith Lords. If the rebel alliance and the Empire realised the extent of that which these two aging men had done, and been through, Ben Kenobi and Darth Vader would be seen in a very different light. 

Okay, so Star Wars is a fictional world, which was created by George Lucas, Rick McCallum, John Williams and Frank Oz (what a muppet), but there are some crazy examples in what I've shared that we can really apply to our lives and learn from. Today, I want to look at 'Dead Religion'. In our lives as Christians, we will go through times when people will say to us: 'Oh, how can you believe in that ancient religion?' People have said things of that nature to me before. Generally people will say these things because they follow the belief systems of their nation - they follow what is normal, to BE normal. The belief system in our nation is atheism, so you will start to become familiar with these kind of thoughts and questions. But when people ask us questions like, 'Why do you believe in that rubbish, isn't it a myth?' those of us who know Jesus will be stirred up in our minds to remember all that God has done for us and in us and how every decision that we have revolves around him in some shape or form. When people speak to me in a disbelieving fashion, in all that I've seen and NOT seen, I cannot possibly imagine living a life contrary to the one that I live right now, which is a life desiring to follow after Jesus Christ and serving my neighbours. And that's not because it's something that I've just 'always done'. I want to stress an important fact that in my personal life, at times there have been doubts and I've been pulled towards one thing and pulled towards the other, but where I am RIGHT NOW is the best possible place I could be in. I cannot imagine living my life without God, because when I am without Him it is so boring. He is my purpose for living. I cannot live without Him. I don't see living for Jesus as a duty... I see living for Jesus as a JOY. I don't see my relationship with Christ as something extra... I see my relationship with Christ as my EVERYTHING. 

Let's just look at some scripture to help differentiate between who we are and who we want to be. This stuff relates to all of us guys... and in this post I really want to stress the fact that the one thing that is possible is that we can all be changed.

Jesus was a big fan of: Parables - My definition being metaphorical stories... Jesus used pictures that were unexpected, yet relevant, in order for people to better understand His teaching. They're fun! Here's an example from Matthew 13 v 24 - 30, 36 - 43: '"The Kingdom of Heaven is like a farmer who planted good seed in his field. But that night as the workers slept, his enemy came and planted weeds among the wheat, then slipped away. When the crop began to grow and produce grain, the weeds also grew. The farmer's workers went to him and said, 'Sir, the field where you planted that good seed is full of weeds! Where did they come from?' 
'An enemy has done this!' the farmer exclaimed.
'Should we pull out the weeds?' they asked.
'No,' he replied, [Key Verse:] 'you'll uproot the wheat if you do. Let both grow up together until the harvest. Then I will tell the harvesters to sort out the weeds, tie them into bundles and burn them, and to put the wheat in the barn.'...
...leaving the crowds outside, Jesus went into the house. His disciples said, "Please explain to us the story of the weeds in the field." 
Jesus replied, "The Son of Man is the farmer who plants the good seed. The field is the world, and the good seed represents the people of the Kingdom. The weeds are the people who belong to the evil one. The enemy who planted the seeds among the wheat is  the devil. The harvest is the end of the world, and the harvesters are the angels. Just as the weeds are sorted out and burned in the fire, so it will be at the end of the world, and the harvesters are the angels. Just as the weeds are sorted out and burned in the fire, so it will be at the end of the world. The Son of Man will send his angels, and they will remove from his Kingdom everything that causes sin and all who do evil. And the angels will throw them into the fiery furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Then the righteous will shine like the sun in their Father's Kingdom. Anyone with ears to hear should listen and understand!'

In this day and age, we all seem to be fascinated by the end of the world. I love how clear Jesus is in this passage, and how the wheat and the weeds illustrates what will happen to all that is good and all that is good. A thought that came to my mind was that the weeds are the troubles that all of us will be facing throughout our lives until that day when the weeds are destroyed and we'll be taken into heaven... unless you are a weed... If you are, there IS hope! As I said earlier, through this post, I want the one thing that is possible be that we can all be changed. These words may have been a scary discovery for you: 'The Son of Man will send his angels, and they will remove from his Kingdom everything that causes sin and all who do evil... And the angels will throw them into the fiery furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.' For those of you who are concerned about this - That is a sign that you CARE about the future, which is awesome. Often what we believe about our future, how we react to the idea of our future in our present state determines how our future is going to pan out... If you invest into your future, it will be beautiful... if you don't care, then your future will be uncertain. But you can never really takes those steps towards your beautiful future without making a genuine decision to follow Jesus. This is the business - Jesus Christ, the Son of God, died on a cross because He knew that mankind needed saving from all its wrongdoings and He took all the sin to give us life instead of death. Three days after Jesus' death for us, He rose from the grave - a symbol of what would happen from that point on whenever someone would decide to follow Jesus - Now we can put all the wrong doing and selfishness on the cross and rise up out of our death - our past. When we decide that, immediately we inherit eternal life with Jesus because He loves us :)

If you follow, please, pray this prayer: 
Lord Jesus Christ, I understand what I've been hearing. I understand that there is an end to life - Heaven or Hell. I thank you for the gift of free will. I thank you that You have given me the choice to decide for myself. I thank You that You love me - You always have. I thank You for the gift of life... now I want to do what is right. I want to follow after You, to know You in the exact way You want me to. Jesus, take my life. I lay it all down. The love that You showed me, right now I surrender myself to that same love. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen!

The amazing thing is that when you surrender your heart to Jesus, You become the same as Him! So now You are righteous as Christ is righteous. If you've made this decision for God, from now on this is your future: Matthew 13 v 43: 'Then the righteous will shine like the sun in their Father's Kingdom.'

See you soon! For all those who are looking, keep searching. God Bless X

[B.T: New Living Translation.]

Friday 20 July 2012


Key Scripture: Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God [Matthew 5 v 8]

Today I bought a magazine about black and white photography to get some inspiration (I'm one of those creative types, you see). So I took the magazine home and flicked through it, seeing first the pictures (as you do), but the first thing I did, even when I saw the magazine sitting on the shelf was to filter out all the stuff which I knew would try and get into my head- immoral images, pornography, etc. The first thought I had was, 'When I get this magazine home I am going to rip out all the pages which contain ungodly content'. This way of doing things- this decision, as you can probably imagine, isn't one that I've 'just always made', but over the years as my awareness of what is right and what is wrong has increased and the effects of right behaviour and wrong behaviour have become more evident to me, the decision to dispose of images contrary to my beliefs has become more prominent in my reading and viewing of magazine, book, and film content.

As in the viewing of pictorial literature, I believe that it is so important to use the same methods of filtering when reflecting on our own thought processes. Some may say that it's impossible to do this as, 'Our minds are so full of everything that has been happening in the day!... How could we possibly take a thought captive and say "Right- I'm tearing you out of my mind!"' Precisely. Mankind is already aware of the depth of our thoughts- our visual and verbal libraries which are subconsciously contained somewhere in the mind. Maybe the statement that 'What we decide to let into our mind effects how we as people function' would help those who recognise the clutter to react in a different way. What we decide to let into our mind effects how we as people function.

I want to look at the steps towards the recovery of the mind process as: The Three R's.
Raw Red Radish. Yum. Just kidding. The Three R's are: RESEARCH, RECOGNISE and REJECT. 
1. RESEARCH: We need to know what is right and what is wrong. Sometimes it's hard to know exactly what's what when we haven't been directly told. (There are some good scriptures in Ephesians 4 v 17 - 32. The Bible talks about being righteous, holy, good and helpful and to let go of bitterness, rage, anger and harsh words... Check it out!)
2. RECOGNISE: Once we know what is right and what is wrong we can look at the book (in our case the mind), and identify the stuff that needs to stay and the stuff that needs to go. We are now familiarised with what we are seeing and hearing and are able to differentiate because we have looked it up. 
3. REJECT: Now that we can tell what is good and bad we can immediately take action and say: 'No, I'm not allowing my mind to dwell on that... or that... or that.' And filter out our mind using the tearing process.
4. The Outcome. Once things were cloudy, but now because we've decided to discipline our lives with scripture and listening to God, our mind is much clearer. When you're on a mountain and the fog is heavy it's pretty much impossible to know where to go- UNTIL the fog clears. When the fog clears we are able to see again and we know the next step to take.

It can be easy to look at wrong stuff when one decides that they are unsure of their beliefs about something being wrong or right - this is the norm for our generation in this day and age. But the fantastic thing about applying the filtering process to our lives, with no regrets, is that because we decide, 'Yes, that stuff is wrong', and choose to chop away at the corruption, instead of meditating on the wrong stuff, our minds will remain SOUND. 
Viewing wrong stuff = Wrong thinking.
Banishing wrong stuff = Pure thinking.

See you soon! For all those who are looking, keep searching. God Bless X 

[B.T: New International Version, New Living Translation.]

Monday 16 July 2012

What Can I Get?

FACEBOOK ASKED ME: What's going on in my mind? I'll give you a little insight. I'm just going to touch briefly on the matter of Greed. 
Feel free to leave questions and comments... 

Often times people's activities are consumed by writing something, making something, saying something, doing something that they want to have an affect on people to the extent of which it provokes a response from many. - For many this is because a sense of proving one's self becomes the necessity (certainly in my life that's been the reality!)- the desire to shake things up- to make a mark on the map, takes over. Unfortunately the thirst to GET the response you want, GET the attention you need, in its essence to 'GET the GLORY' will never be quenched. The more we see the more greedy we become. It's what we decide to do with this greed that really matters. Do we decide to carry on and grow more and more lustful over things of the world (reputation, power, money, popularity) or do we recognise the prompting from inside that something big needs to take place. A transition (or change) has to be made. 

Now, let's look at David, once a shepherd boy who became a man of God and a successful warrior - he was a beast! We learn that His enemies sunk to the very bottom and had to become scavengers. No, they didn't grow black feathers and recede extensively in the scalp region. (Well, most of them didn't.) Let's read into it...

In chapter 59 of the book of Psalms, it speaks of the greed that we've been touching on. We read David's own words, from verse 14: 'My enemies come out at night, snarling like vicious dogs as they prowl the streets. They scavenge for food but go to sleep unsatisfied'. We never really specifically discover how these people got to this stage, but I can hint a guess as to why these people sunk so low. I believe that the thirst of these enemies of David, and the hunger that these people had to GET attention, to GET respect, to GET glory, ultimately led them to  their predicament - the crumbling of their well being.  

There's a reason for the vast comparison between the goodness and success of David and the wickedness and failure of his enemies. It's not because of who they were as individual persons, but because of the two very different lifestyles which the two parties decided to lead. King David, as he was popularly known as, discovered early on in life (due to his willingness to WANT to do what was RIGHT) that 'some people are always greedy for more, but the godly love to give!' (Proverbs 21 v 26.)  You can GET GET GET GET GET GET GET. It will never satisfy. Remember: 'They scavenge for food but go to sleep UNSATISIFIED.' I've started to realise that actually the more that I get, the less I want to get. I've lived long enough and seen ENOUGH to know that I have had so much stuff and stuff makes your mind numb... it makes your heart grey, it makes your decisions cloudy and uncertain. The less I have, the better. I want to give... and I invite you to take on this giving lifestyle. The moment I truly started to realise all that I'm sharing with you was the moment that I asked Jesus to change who I am... and He can do the same for you. Instead of living to please others, the goodness of life and all that you have and can give will not just replace that hunger but exceed it as well. 

See you soon! For all those who are looking, keep searching. God Bless X

[B.T: New Living Translation.]